Harri Mielonen:
Pyhiinvaellus (Finland, 2006)
Production: North Karelia University of Applied Sciences
27 min - DVD. Finnish.
A small North Karelian town called Tohmajärvi is the home to an active Irwin Goodman memorial society. The guiding principle behind Irwinin ystävät ry Tohmajärvi ('Irwin's Friends' Society at Tohmajärvi') is to honour the late folk artist in various ways. The society has got a president and a three-men executive committee as well as 60 other members. In the meetings, the members of the society discuss Irwin's importance in the Finnish music, take sauna baths and sing karaoke. The highlight of the summer for the members of the society is the pilgrimage to Irwin's tomb in Hämeenkyrö in Western Finland.
The documentary follows the society's activities, culminating to an almost religious journey to Irwin's final resting place. The film is a student film for the Media Studies in North Karelia University of Applied Sciences and it is directed by Harri Mielonen.