Trond Saettem:
Turbonegro: The ResErection (Norway, 2005)
Production: Nordisk Film/Stig Anderson
97 min - DVD. Norwegian with Finnish subtitles.
Where Turbonegro ended, The ResErection begins. The vocalist Hank von Helvete's uncontrollable use of illegal drugs and eventual psychiatric breakdown turned him back to Hans Erik Husby, a fishery museum guide and an active member of the local council, living a quiet life in an idyllic fisherman community up in the Lofotes. This is where Hank recovers from heroin abuse and the realisation of rock'n'roll dream brought about by Apocalypse Dudes, the album that made the sweat-smelling, foul-mouthed Norwegian group – a sort of latter-day Village People – a world-class cult band.
The ResErection is a story of how after four-year split Turbonegro is again preparing themselves for a very peculiar comeback tour. The sequence of events starts in a small fisherman village, hops along a tour bus and makes its way to various summer festivals, all the way following Hank von Helvete's slow recovery from his inner problems. The destination of the singer's resurrection story is to stand onstage in front of a 40 000-strong disorderly audience with a firecracker stuck up his behind.