
Peter Sempel:
Lemmy (Germany, 2002)
111 min - DVD - English / Germany.
Production: Black SUN Flower Filmproduction

Director present at the screening.

Peter Sempel's documentary film Lemmy features the legendary band Mot�rhead's even more legendary singer-bassist Lemmy Kilmister. The director Peter Sempel joined Mot�rhead on tour, during which the band paid a visit to Germany, Los Angeles, Great Britain and Ozzy Osbournes back yard. The documentary cooked up from all this entails a good deal of humour, loud music and revelations regarding the man himself, Lemmy Kilmister. The film constists of live gig footage, backstage and studio material, as well as clips from Lemmy's. The movie is a portrayal of one of the greatest rock icons of our day, who has more attitude in a single wart than your average rocker has as a whole.


Peter Sempel: on his own words

Born in Hamburg, grown up in the Australian outback, no electricity, no running water out of wall, but a radio. Had own horse but no bicycle and a kangaroo in the garden. Often teased as little german nazipig - therefore tore off an ear of a schoolmate and burnt down the wooden schoolhouse (half of it). Back to Hamburg 1968. School-leaving exam Abitur. Studied american literature (E.A. Poe, Malamud) and physical education at Hamburg-University, 56 different jobs. Started making films because of the music, especially Einst�rzende Neubauten, Nick Cave and classical music (favourite record "Berlin" by Lou Reed). Often visiting opera, ballet and punk concerts in same evening, mainly in Hamburg and Berlin. He carries his films around the world and presents at festivals, special events, in off-cinemas, discos and all kinds of places. Peter Sempel be present in the showings.


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