Roots Time
Silvestre Jacobi:
Roots Time (Argentina / Jamaica, 2006)
77 min - DVD - English.
Roots Time is the story of 'Baboo' and 'Jah Bull', two Rastafarians that sell LP records in an old colorful car in the countryside of Jamaica. By chance they pick up their favorite and well known radio broadcaster 'Farmer Roots' hitch-hiking en route to the hospital with his sick girlfriend.
Jah Bull and Baboo do not believe in traditional medicine for their Rastafarian principles and convince Farmer Roots to take her to a well known herbal doctor 'Bongo-Hu'. Getting to the doctor turns out to be much more difficult than expected and all kinds of adventures happen before reaching their destination.
Jacobi has made short films documenting tribes and cultures in Uruguay, Bolivia and the Caribbean.
Jacobi took four months out of city life to spend time in the Jamaican countryside, where he got to know and stay with Rastafarians.
A movie made with a small budget but a grand ambition is a positive story about how people should learn from the minority cultures before they disappear. In addition to the message and a great story the Roots Time offers beautiful footage and the best in music to all reggae and Jamaican culture enthusiasts. This is the first performance of the movie in Finland.
"Rastafarism has a very important message nowadays to stop the globalization of the world" - Jakobi
Silvestre Jacobi
Silvestre Jacobi, was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina, 21 December 1978. He graduated as a lawyer in the University Torcuato Di Tella (2002), then study cinematography in New York (2003). At the moment he has a cinema production company called "Mistika Films" that makes productions with diverse cultures and ethnic groups of the world.