Pure Fucking Mayhem
Stefan Rydehed:
Pure Fucking Mayhem (Sweden 2008)
80 min. – DVD – English.
Age limit 15+
Pure Fuckin Mayhem tells the story of cult band Mayhem. Movie is the most thorough document about the band. Director Stefan Rydehed has collected plenty of material from the career of the band and also interviewed Mayhems living members profoundly.
Story of Mayhem is one of the most interesting among the rock history. Bands two most influential members are with us no more and one of them was murdered by bands short time bass player. The history of Mayhem equals the history of Norway black metal scene. Young musicians were interested about Venom and Bathory and wanted to make their own music more harder and evil. Mayhems swedish singer Dead buried his clothes to get the stench of death in the stage. He also sniffed dead animals to become one with them. Ultimately he shot himself in the head. Guitarist Øystein Aarseth also known as Euronymous photographed his dead band mate and hold pieces of his skull for own purposes. Two years later the short time bassist Varg Vikerness stabbed Euronymous and the legend was born.
The story of Mayhem is fierce. Rydeheds document reveals the history without any colouring and overstating. Movie is harsh but also thought provoking. We recommend that people with weak stomach should pass this movie.
Rokumentti proudly presents the world premier of Pure Fucking Mayhem.
Director Stefan Rydehed present for Q&A after the screening.