Rokumentti Rock Film Festival 17.–21.11.2010

Sixth Rokumentti will be held November 17th to 21st 2010.

From Rokumentti with Love

15th Nov 2009

The Rokumentti festival has come to a close for this year. But what a mighty fine festival it was! Five days of sex, substances and rocknroll and it couldn't have gone any better. We would like to thank all of you who came to see the films and party at the gigs. A special thank you goes out to our fantastic guests.

See you all next year!

Saturday with sex!

14th Nov 2009

Fourth day of Rokumentti has just started. The line up of the day includes sex and drugs and lovely music. Come to Tapio to check the films and see what's sex, drugs and rock'n'roll is all about!

It is finally starting!

11th Nov 2009

Rokumentti Rock Film Festival starts today. It’s about a time. First film to see is Slingshot Hip Hop and it starts at 16:45 at screen 4. The official opening film Berlin Calling starts at 19:30 at screen 1. Take a deep breath and start to rock’n’roll!

Rokumentti programme is now ready!

21st Oct 2009

The programme of Rokumentti is ready. And great. Bloody hell! Over 40 films, loads of Oscar winners, about 20 bands doing gigs and Jouni Hynynen grilling Eero Raittinen. A lot to see and hear for five days, don't you think?

The opening film of Rokumentti is Hannes Stöhr's drugdrama Berlin Calling, and David Guggenheim's guitarist documentary It Might Get Loud ends the festival. And in between there is an enornous amount of films about sex, drugs, heavy metal, hip hop, dance and the better world. For further information, see programme.

There will be three seminars this year. Speakers include Rakel Liekki, Jouni Hynynen, Eero Raittinen, Janne Tamminen, Tomi Saarinen, Juha Kyyrö, and god knows who else. For more information, see seminars.
Loads of bands are doing gigs again this year, check out the live section.

The programme is now ready and the final timetables are here. The sale of tickets begins on Monday, October 26th at the Tapio Movie Centre. Please remember that seats are limited.!

Theme programme announced!

17th Sep 2009

Theme programme announced!

The first released part of this year’s Rokumentti programme deals with sex and drugs. The films examine the effects of the sexual revolution, offer glimpses of the porn industry and dive into the world of everyday intoxication. Critical approach, true stories and realistic narration all intertwine in the selected films.

9to5: Days in Porn and All Boys peek into the porn industry. The era of the sexual revolution is reviewed in the documentaries American Swing and The Cockettes. Sissyboy offers a piece of modern gender bending, while K11 – Confessions of a Sex Tourist reveals the appalling reality behind long-distance holidays.

Gonzo: Life and Times of Dr. Hunter S. Thompson, about perhaps the world’s most legendary lunatic, can be considered the zenith of the drug-related films in this year’s Rokumentti. The everyday of heroin addicts is the topic of the documentary Black Tar Heroin by the Oscar winning director Steven Okazaki. In Agile Mobile Hostile, R&B singer Andre Williams tells (with his own example) about the dangers of drugs with Hair taking care of the classical hippie side of life.

In this year’s Rokumentti, the sex industry is also the topic of the great Finnish porn debate, with Rakel Liekki, Markku Heikkinen, Minni Siren and Maiju Parviainen as participants.

See programme for more information about the films.

Sex and Drugs on the Screen!

16th Jul 2009

Click It is the turn of the Fifth Rokumentti Festival in November 2009. To honour the anniversary, the festival last for five days from Wednesday until Sunday. Rokumentti will take happen 11. - 15. November.

Following the year's theme, the Rokumentti films will contain sex and drugs and rock and roll from the last forty years with an exploration of the 1960s toxicating ambience.

The 1960s were mind-expanding times with emerging sexuality politics, while drugs were consumed to expand the mind's conventional limits. Also the popular music and culture evolved into innovative directions, and into partying, and there was no returning back to the older values in society. These developments also paved the way for the emergence of international porno industry and for the international trade of illicit drugs, which have since spread like epidemics.

The Rokumentti Festival will investigate the impact of the 1960s revolution in the rock music, popular culture and the life at large. And we will also explore unique rock documentaries!

Pekka & Teija Isorättyä: Trans-American Gipsy Punk
Pekka & Teija Isorättyä: Trans-American Gipsy Punk


Participate in Rokumentti Rock Film Festival and submit your own music-related film, whether fiction or a documentary, to us. Just e-mail a brief description and the technical details of your film to

Past Rokumentti websites from previous years can be found here:
Rokumentti 2008 »
Rokumentti 2007 »
Rokumentti 2006 »
Rokumentti 2005 »