18th Nov 2012

Thank you lovelies!

And so ends Rokumentti Rock Film Festival 2012. You've been a great audience and we would like to thank each and everyone of you. You've outdone yourselves once more! And the world didn't even end...

Although Rokumentti is over, the opportunity to witness great documentaries doesn't end here. The next Doc Lounge Joensuu happens on Thursday, November 22nd at Kerubi. This Rokumentti-special includes Knucklebonehead and the brand new Tundramatiks documentary Ihan uuden kyyn eleet ("The Gestures of a Brand New Adder"). Welcome!

The 9th Rokumentti Rock Film Festival will be held from 13th to 17th November 2013!

17th Nov 2012

Grandma Lo-Fi sold out

The screening of the film Grandma Lo-Fi is sold out. We recommend to buy tickets in advance.

17th Nov 2012

Drive old out

The screening of the film Drive is sold out. We recommend to buy tickets in advance.

16th Nov 2012

Crude sold out

The screening of the film Crude is sold out. We recommend to buy tickets in advance.

15th Nov 2012

Red Forest Hotel sold out

The screening of the film Red Forest Hotel is sold out. We recommend to buy tickets in advance.

15th Nov 2012

Canned Dreams sold out

The screening of the film Canned Dreams is sold out. We recommend to buy tickets in advance.

15th Nov 2012

If a Tree Falls sold out

The screening of the film If a Tree Falls: A Story of the Earth Liberation Front is sold out. We recommend to buy tickets in advance.

14th Nov 2012

Into Eternity sold out

The screening of the film Into Eternity is sold out. We recommend to buy tickets in advance.

13th Nov 2012

The Sacred Triangle (Thursday screening) sold out

Thursday screening of the film The Sacred Triangle: Bowie, Iggy & Lou 1971-1973 is sold out. You can still get tickets to the second screening at Saturday 20:15.

We recommend to buy tickets in advance.

29th Oct 2012

Tickets available!

Advance sale of Rokumentti tickets starts today! The tickets can be bought from Tapio Movie Centre (Kauppakatu 27, Joensuu). For reservations, please call +358 13 122 238.

A single ticket costs 6 euros and for 25 euros you can buy a festival pass (incl. 5 single tickets). The number of seats is limited and last year many of the screenings were sold out, so we recommend buying your tickets in advance.


17th Oct 2012

Rokumentti 2012 - programme unveiled!

The programme for this year's Rokumentti is ready and revealed. During the five days there will be altogether nearly 50 full-length films covering soul, punk in Myanmar, Swedish heavy metal and folk musicians gone missing. Film introductions and the festival schedule can be found on the Programme site.

The advance sale for Rokumentti tickets will start on Monday October 29th at Tapio Movie Centre. Check the Info site for more details. Rokumentti will be held in Joensuu on November 14th-18th, 2012.

11th Oct 2012

First 20 films announced

Click to enlarge The first twenty films of Rokumentti Rock Film Festival have been announced! The theme of the festival this year is The end of the world. It will be discussed in ten hair-raising documentary films. Could this all really end?

Besides flirting with the end of the world, Rokumentti offers a stunning amount of music films. The first ten were announced just now, including award-winning films Last Days Here and Grandma Lo-fi and documentaries about Morphine, Kimmo Pohjonen and Kings of Leon.

End of the world 2012

We’ve been told that the world will end on December 2012. Rokumentti decided to find out if it is really so. Theme films discuss the devastation of our planet and illustrate different sides of human evilness from environmental disasters and genocide to oil industry. The films offer glimpses on the effects of our actions and will, hopefully, also raise thoughts.

The sale of tickets will start on Monday 29.10.2012


Janus Metz: Armadillo

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Participate in Rokumentti and submit your own film, fiction or document to us. Email a brief description and the technical information of your film to moc.ittnemukor@aidem.