Wacken 3D - The Movie

Norbert Heitker:
Wacken 3D - The Movie (Germany, 2014)
95 min. • English
Age limit 12 years
Theme: Rokumentti Selection
Nestled in the northernmost state of Germany, the small village of Wacken annually hosts the largest and easily the most epic heavy metal festival in the world. Wacken Open Air is without a single doubt the scene's main event: mud wrestling in the dirt, endless regiments of tents, legions of metalheads moshing it up, warm beer, pits from the depths of hell…You name it! Renowned for its exceptionally great atmosphere, performer line-ups and visitor-friendly surroundings, it's no wonder this massive event has been sold out for nearly ten years straight.
The festival at Wacken is a downright joyfully satanic ritual, where pilgrims from all around the world bow down as they witness the holy rites given by their high priests. Among other things, the film displays the event from the perspective of the bands, interviews many representatives of the festival's international audience, roams the backstage area prior to the gigs and, naturally, showcases musical performances from the festival.
Wacken 3D is an astounding, next-level concert documentary with visuals so engrossing that the viewers could not get any closer to the unique action from the comfort of their own couches or the seats of the cinema.
Warning! Side effects of this film may include an uncontrollable urge to get to a festival immediately.
This movie will also be screened on Rokumentti tour!
Thu 5.11. 6 pm Kino Marita, Outokumpu - free entry!
Sat 7.11. 4 pm Kino Hannikainen, Nurmes - free entry!
Sat 7.11. 4 pm Lieksan Elokuvat, Lieksa - free entry!
Screening time:
Tapio screen 3 • Sat 14th Nov at 4:45pm »
See also:
» The New Apocalypse - Mankind's Last Exodus part I-III
» Metal Syndrome
» Deathgasm