A Hard Day€s Night

Richard Lester: A Hard Day€s Night

Richard Lester:
A Hard Day€s Night (UK, 1964)
87 min. • English • Finnish subtitles
No age limit
Theme: Rokumentti Selection

A Hard Day€s Night is an entertaining depiction of €an average day€ in the life of The Beatles at the peak of their popularity as the world€s biggest band. In the film, the four mischievous mop tops journey from Liverpool to London for a television shoot. What ensues is a lighthearted satire of the band and the Beatlemania that surrounded them. The Fab Four€s clever humour is infectious and their accents so thick you could bottle them and sell as cream.

The film is the first of the four The Beatles features that the band made and remains an important moment in the history of music films. The way director Richard Lester cut the scenes to the rhythm of the music was a key moment in the birth of the modern music video. The film, which even garnered two Oscar nominations, is a priceless classic that everyone should see at least once - whether you like The Beatles or not.

The screening is organized in collaboration with the National Audiovisual Institute.

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Richard Lester: A Hard Day€s Night

Richard Lester: A Hard Day€s Night

Screening time:
Tapio screen 2 • Mon 9th Nov at 4:30pm

See also:
» Amy
» The Rocky Horror Picture Show
» Tunteiden temppelit

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