
Alex Hoffman

The Redemption of the Devil

USA 2015
81 min • English
Theme: Rokumentti selection
17.11.2016 | Time: 21.45 | Venue: TAPIO 4

The front man of Eagles of Death Metal educates about sex, drugs and Jesus

If Goofy, Jukka Nousianen and Lucifer spent a drug-infused, long and intense night in Las Vegas, the result would be Jesse Hughes. Slimy, comically caricaturey and, at the same time, a rock idol worshipped by thousands of people. If you think his cartoony image is merely a role, you'll change your mind after this!

Jesse Hughes is probably best known as the walrus-mustasched front man of Eagles of Death Metal. In his spare time the guy keeps himself busy by dating a 20-year-old ex-porn star and by ranting controversial issues in his own radio show. Not may people believe that this egomaniac spawning from the unholy marriage between sex, drugs and rock'n'roll was recently ordained as a priest/minister?
