
Eva Mulvad

A Modern Man

2017 Denmark, Germany
85min • English
Theme: Rokumentti selection
14.11.2018 | Time 16:45 | Venue: Tapio 4 | BUY TICKET

Fiddler on the roof of the world

The first violinist is the rock star in the world of classical music. Charlie Siem, the son of a Norwegian billionaire, is a world-renowned virtuoso and a very pleasant young man, who also happens to be very good-looking. In addition to playing classical music at huge arenas, Siem has also performed with The Who and Miley Cyrus. It seems everything this part-time model for Hugo Boss does is a guaranteed success.

A documentary Modern Man follows Siem's seemingly dazzling tour life, but fame, luxury cars and villas have their downside, and he is well aware of it. In the life of a perfectionist, is there any room for friendship, not to mention love? A Modern Man is a must-see for fans of classical music and concerts.
