
John Carrroll Lynch


2018 USA
88min • English. Finnish subtitles
Theme: Must see before you die
16.11.2018 | Time 21:55 | Venue: Tapio 4


The swan song of a remarkable actor

Lucky is in a good place in his life. This 90-year-old senior citizen lives in an American small town with no seasonal changes. He starts off his mornings with yoga, walks everywhere while sporting a stetson and settles down to shoot the shit with his pal Howard (David Lynch) every evening at the local bar. Even the doctor is amazed by Lucky’s longevity; he’s in better shape than a man of his age should be. After a sudden collapse one morning, the thought of his own mortality begins to vex the old man. What chances does an atheist have in a battle against the grim reaper? 

The posthumously released film is a tribute and humble salute to its leading man, Harry Dean Stanton, and his career which spanned over six decades. He was also one of David Lynch’s trusted actors. The film is a beautiful and philosophical depiction of old age, and proof that enjoying life is just as important in the autumn years. Lucky takes joy in small things but also contemplates the big questions without stressing too much over them. Stanton’s character is outspoken and cranky but in him there’s also unbridled warmth and happiness for a life well lived.
