
General information

Dear representatives of media,

On this page you will find bulletins, pictures and general information for media concerning Rokumentti 2018. 

We welcome all of you, representatives of media or other related fields, to get to know to our festival.

Please return your accreditation application on Monday 29th of October at the latest. Remember that completing and sending the accreditation form does not guarantee automatically you are accepted. Applications will be handled and the confirmations sent together with the info packages by e-mail. Representatives of media will get their press passes and other information at info desk located in Film Centre Tapio. Any further inquiries concerning the accreditation process or other press related issues, please contact


Press photos

Welcome to Sodom - Christian Krönes, Florian Weigensamer

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Lords of Chaos - Jonas Åkerlund

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M - Anna Eriksson

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Rokumentti 2018 poster

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Waiting for Barcelona - Juho-Pekka Tanskanen

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Ei koskaan enää - Aino Suni

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Matangi / Maya / M.I.A. - Steve Loveridge

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Elokuvia Taitokorttelissa

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Rokumentti 2018

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Rokumentti 2018

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Hyvä Tyypit-voittaja Luukas Oja

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