
Veljko Vidak

Cinéma Laika

France, Finland 2023
81 min. • English, Finnish, French. English subtitles
Theme: Must see
17.11.2023 | Time 16:40 | Venue: Tapio 4 | BUY TICKET

The magic of cinema lives on

In the heart of the Finnish forest, the long-closed foundry of the little town of Karkkila has come back to life thanks to director Aki Kaurismäki and his creation of the town’s first cinema. Director Veljko Vidak: “On-site, I discovered how Aki and his small team of workers were handcrafting this cinema, using recycled wood, metal, and furniture. I sensed the enthusiasm of the locals, who saw this cinema as a transformation of their town.

During the construction of the movie theater, cinema became the main and almost exclusive topic of local conversations. The entire town was breathing in rhythm with the progress of the construction work. This emerging space was gradually becoming the new heart of the town.”