
Loran Batti

G – 21 Scenes from Gottsunda

Sweden 2024
80 min • Swedish, English subtitles
Theme: Explosive
16.11.2024 | Time 14:55 | Venue: Tapio 4 | BUY TICKET

Living in fear of death

G – 21 Scenes from Gottsunda takes the viewer into the violent suburb and gang violence of Gottsunda, Sweden. The gang conflicts seen from the inside over five years by a filmmaker who is at home portraying one of Sweden's most dangerous areas, which he is now moving out of. G is a poetic and existential film as much about life as it is about the fear of death.

Loran’s strong friendships make it hard to escape these toxic circles, yet the constant presence of violence and societal exclusion looms over them. The friction between Loran and his friends grows stronger: they are active criminals while Loran has chosen another path for himself.

G was awarded with the Swedish Film Institutes Wildcard prize, the first documentary film ever to win. The documentary gives an unfiltered glimpse into our everyday life of conflict, community, fraternity and exclusion.
