
Pauli Hokkanen

Kymmenen Vuoden Yksinäisyys – Dokumentti Absoluuttisesta Nollapisteestä

Finland 2004
54 min • Finnish
Theme: Must see

Kymmenen Vuoden Yksinäisyys is sympathetic documentary about a sympathetic band. 

This documentary, released in 2004, traces the career of Finnish band Absoluuttinen Nollapiste from the early ’90s as they navigate the humble, hard-working world of music. Between gigs and scraping by on show fees (which often involve scratching off lottery tickets), the band members have time to reflect on their place in the world and in the Finnish music scene. 


Rokumentti's 20-year history is packed with cinematic gems, especially unforgettable, hilarious, and brilliant Finnish music documentaries! This one made it into the anniversary lineup thanks to a public vote. Kymmenen Vuoden Yksinäisyys first rocked the screen at Rokumentti back in 2005.