
Sami Parkkinen ja Jaakko Kilpiäinen
Finland 2006
55 min •
Theme: Must see
13.11.2024 | Time 16:00
| Venue: Main Library
All aboard!
Ulapalla is a road movie style documentary that follows the Finnish bands CMX, Kotiteollisuus, and 51koodia as they hit the road – or the water – around the legendary Lake Saimaa.
Released in 2006, the film showcases the stunning scenery of Lake Saimaa and the rock personalities on this unforgettable trip. The musicians are followed by a media circus, with fans gathering along the shores and docks. They navigate the ups and downs of being on the road and the thrill of performing. While having a good time and sharing a drink with friends is an essential part of the journey, the real highlight is the shows themselves - a state of mind where the true power and energy of rock music come alive.
Rokumentti’s 20-year history is packed with cinematic gems! This documentary made it into the anniversary lineup thanks to a public vote. The documentaries will be shown as a free non-stop screening at Joensuu main library on Wednesday, November 13th.
16:00 Ulapalla
17:00 Naamioitu kapina
17:30 HC Andersen
Free entry!