Clubs of Rokumentti take on the entire city. Performing artists are to be found in Carelia Hall, Kerubin Kuppila, Restaurant Coikkis, Restaurant Gloria, Teatteriklubi and Karjalantalo's Kellariravintola.
Wednesday 11th November
Rokumentti Opening Party, Kerho @ Coikkis
Erotic Lounge: DJ:t Kiilo, Kaskas & Kepuli-P
Rokumentti opening party with erotic music. Supasoul-dj's selects the best of porn funk, soul & disco. Satisfaction guaranteed!
From 8pm to 2am / Age limit 18 years / Free entry
Thursday 12th November
Joensuu City Orchestra - Halloween, Carelia Hall
Joensuu City Orchestra
Conductor Krzysztof Dobosiewitz
Music from horror films in the spirit of the rock film festival Rokumentti. Hear the violins, feel the violence when the best of horror music runs through your veins.
From 7pm / Tickets 16/14/7 €
Kerubin Kuppila
At 8pm Rokumentti Live Jukebox
At 10pm Rokumentti DJ
Live Jukebox is hard to describe. Itīs just one of those things that you have to see. But in a nutshell: Live Jukebox is a jukebox which songs are played by a live band, Duo Limited Potential. So make a wish and see if they are up to it.
From 8pm to 2am / Free entry
Friday 13th November
Reino & The Rhinos, Kellari
Greetings from the frontline of Finnish soul brought to you by the one and only Reino & The Rhinos! Ladies and gentlemen, hippopotamuses and elephants, let's dance!
From 9pm / Age limit 18 years / Tickets 10 €, advance tickets: Levy-Eskot
Feelgood-Club, Kerho @ Coikkis
Identical Cousins:
• DJ Hank Holiday & Frankly Irrational (Drumset)
• DJ Lovroc (Soul Kitchen, HKI)
• DJ Kiilo
• B-Boys
Feel the rhythms of the cousins Hank & Frank. Beats and scratches of DJ Hank Holiday come together with MC Frankly Irrational's live drums and motor mouth. Dancefloor is filled with some hardcore breakdancing when DJ Lovroc get in on 'til the morning!
From 10pm to 3am / Age limit 18 years / Tickets 5 €
Nomadi-club, Teatteriklubi
• Abduktio
• Trouble Bound
• Tormentors
• Revenneet Farkut
• + DJ:t
Abduktio is a band that does not spare itself onstage, or have any mercy for the objects of its antipathy. The band uses the might of music to attack such miseries of the modern world as militarism, greed and globalisation. Uncompromising but kinky hardcore makes a strong background for the heavy message.
From 10pm to 3am / Age limit 18 years / Tickets 5 €
Supersonic, Ravintola Gloria
Supersonic plays today's hits and old time classics.
From 11pm / Age limit 22 years / Free entry
Kerubin Kuppila
At 8pm Rokumentti Streng after party: live music from a Finnish singer-songwriter Pekka Streng.
At 10pm Rokumentti DJ Smith
From 8pm to 2am / Age limit 18 years / Free entry
Saturday 14th November
Rokumentti-club, Kellari
• Viikate
• Amorphis
• Blake
• Backstabbing Bastards
• Disordead
• Supersounds
Heavy Rock fills the stage at Saturday. Six bands plays at two floors at Kellari. One of them is Supersounds, the winner of Rok It! competition. Supersounds swears in the name of true and honest rock music! But the band isn't bringing it on with a stiff upper lip. They've got a mischievous grin on and all that matters is the pleasure, that of the band as well as of the audience.
From 6.30pm to 2am / Age limit 18 years / *Sold out*
Rokumentti Dancehall Party!, Kerho @ Coikkis
• DJ VG+ (Komposti)
• DJ:t Miami-Mika & Crosolli
• Fusion Dancers Crew
Saturday's the day to dance! Rokumentti Dancehall Party brings the hottest sounds and coolest dancehall moves to the dancefloor. DJ VG+ from Komposti soundsystem selects the freshest tracsk when Fusion Dance Crew shows the moves. We got the real dirty dances so come along to shake your booty!
From 10pm to 3am / Age limit 18 years / Tickets 5 €
Supersonic, Ravintola Gloria
Supersonic plays today's hits and old time classics.
From 11pm / Age limit 22 years / Free entry
Kerubin Kuppila
Klo 16 Rokumentti Bingo
Klo 21 Sebastian Leino Duo
Klo 22 Rokumentti DJ
Sebastian Leino is a singer-songwriter from Joensuu. His songs are about relationships, feelings and the problems involved.
From 4pm to 2am / Free entry
Joensuu City Orchestra - Halloween
Carelia Hall Thu 12th Nov
Kerho @ Coikkis
Rokumentti after parties Wed 11th, Fri 13th and Sat 14th Nov
Kellari Sat 14th Nov
Kellari Sat 14th Nov
Reino & The Rhinos
Kellari Fri 13th Nov
Teatteriklubi Fri 13th Nov