
Jon Spira: Elstree 1976

Jon Spira

Elstree 1976

2015, UK
97 min • English
Theme: Roleplay
19.11.2016 | Time: 14.45 | Venue: Tapio 3

A documentary about people you know but don’t recognize

Darth Vader, Boba Fett, Greedo… Familiar names but how many can actually say they know the real people behind the rubber masks? Elstree 1976 is a documentary that gives the audience a chance to get to know the actors and extras of the first Star Wars film and the people behind the iconic masks.

The documentary does not focus on the “where are they now” cliché, instead the question is: “Where were they then?” The actors share colourful stories about how each of them ended up in the film and what it was like to be a part of something that reached popularity of megalomaniac proportions.

This crowdfunded documentary is not another weary behind the scenes production, but a nostalgic and joyful depiction of how a bit part in the biggest scifi classic in history has influenced and continues to influence the lives of these people. The documentary is filled with such sympathetic stories and characters that after one has seen and heard them, one can’t help but smile for hours. 
