
D. Smith

Kokomo City

USA 2023
73 min. • English. Finnish subtitles
Theme: Rokumentti Awareness
18.11.2023 | Time 18:20 | Venue: Tapio 3 | BUY TICKET

Documentary about the lives of four black trans sex workers.

Kokomo City, directed by two-time Grammy nominee D. Smith, presents the stories of four black transgender sex workers in New York and Georgia. Shot in striking black and white, this unabashed and unapologetic documentary depicts the courage of these women and their poignant honesty in an incisive social commentary.

D. Smith had a successful career in the music industry. However, when she began to transition, she was essentially forced out of the industry and ended up broke and homeless. Smith was still homeless when she began working on the film project, with a camera being purchased by a friend. This touching and unadorned documentary has been awarded at both the Sundance and Berlin Film Festivals.

