
Riitta Rask

Echoes of the Universe – The Music of Kaija Saariaho (Universumin kaiut – Kaija Saariahon musiikki)

Finland 2023
80 min. • Finnish, English, French. Suomenkielinen tekstitys
Theme: Rokumentti selection
15.11.2023 | Time 17:00 | Venue: Tapio 4 | BUY TICKET

A tribute to composer Saariaho and her music.

Echoes of the Universe – The Music of Kaija Saariaho is a documentary about the contemporary composer Kaija Saariaho. The documentary follows Saariaho’s growth from a shy Helsinki girl to the most respected contemporary composer in the world.

Saariaho’s music is widely performed all over the world in concert halls, on opera stages, and at festivals. In the documentary, the initial ideas and the backgrounds of the works are explained by the composer herself as well as her colleagues and family members.

