
Pekka Lehto


1990 Finland
82 min • Finnish
Theme: (freak)
18.11.2017 | Time: 13.00 | Venue: Tapio 2 | BUY TICKET

Candid recollections from the borders of truth

Playwright, director, and producer Jussi Parviainen is a multitalent in the Finnish theatre and culture scene. Parviainen was working as a lecturer in the Finnish Theatre Academy in the mid 80s, when his career took a heavy blow from the controversy caused by the scandalous play Jumalan teatteri (‘God’s theatre’).

Yksinteoin films are Finnish cult classics - not mere curiosities but artistically rewarding as well. Yksinteoin, a frantic film where Parviainen processes his divorce from actress Sanna-Kaisa Palo, blends the borders of fiction and documentary. Over two decades later, after another divorce, he once again spirals deeper into anger, grief, and revenge in his film Yksinteoin kaksi.

Yksinteoin and Yksinteoin kaksi are conflicted, harrowing, and also very rare films: after the theatrical release, the first has been screened only few times as a censored version in television and in selected film archive screenings. Yksinteoin kaksi was screened only at Love & Anarchy film festival. Now Joensuu audience has a unique chance to see them both.