
Liliane Mutti & Daniel Zarvos

Miúcha, the Voice of Bossa Nova

Brazil, USA 2022
98 min. • Portuguese, English subtitles
Theme: Rokumentti selection
19.11.2023 | Time 16:30 | Venue: Tapio 3 | BUY TICKET

Feminist perspective on the history of Bossa Nova

Miúcha, The Voice of Bossa Nova is the feminist perspective on the history of Bossa Nova, told through the 16mm home made movies, diaries, letters and personal musical recordings of Miúcha and João Gilberto. The film covers the 20 years span from 1962-1982, Miúcha’s struggle to become a singer and her turbulent marriage with João Gilberto. The ups and downs of these two artists in the change of times and their moments of success, poverty and insanity are seen through Miúcha’s diaries, letters and watercolors. Miúcha was also the only woman artist who composed, recorded and performed with the golden triad of Bossa Nova, Tom Jobim, Vinicius de Moraes and João Gilberto. Miúcha is the anti muse who surges and ruptures the male narrative and tells the untold story of Bossa Nova.

Miúcha, The Voice of Bossa Nova is a compelling tale that both brings a smile to your face and conjures up dreams of Carnival in Rio de Janeiro.


Finnish premiere
