Other program

Elokuvia Taitokorttelissa

18.11.2017 | Time: 17.00 | Venue: Taitokortteli

The legendary outdoor screening in Taitokortteli! 
Rokumentti offers a getaway from the November darkness and brings back the summer once again. A hot tub, a magical lighting and the Taitokortteli cafe/bar open all night, without forgetting a great atmosphere! Welcome!!

Program includes short films for kids, music videos from the band Leevi and the Leavings, movie Jytää about Finnish indie rock phenomenom Jukka ja Jytämimmit and special trash film screening with director Chrzu’s alter ego Carlotta Moore as guest of honour.




17:00 Kid´s Hour

18:00 Leevi and the Leavings (videos 1985-1997), part 1

18:30 Eläkeläiset: Humppasissi

Guitar stories

19:00 Else Johanna Live

19:15 Jytää! – movie

19:45 Leevi and the Leavings (videos 1985-1997), part 2

20:15 My Turn - Tarinoita lumilautailusta

20:30 Chrzu: Roskan lumous

21:30 Pumpeloidut 2017: The best of the Finnish music videos 2017